Welcome KODAAC, to Sainik School Kodagu Alumni Association. We welcome your involvement and engagement with ex -students, and encourage you to become part of the network of SSKG Alumni Association.
Alumni Of the Month
The Alumni of the Month feature of the KODAAC Alumni web site showcases alumni who are doing interesting and exciting things, or who have made exceptional contributions to their chosen field of academics/ profession. Visit us soon to read about the next featured alumni of the month!
We also strongly encourage you to make an appointment with SSKG Counselors to discuss how to leverage this group to make the connections you need to achieve your career goals!
The KODACS alumni community is always close at hand. Socialize or intellectualize - online or in-person - anytime, anywhere.Be Part the driving force of this community!!
Our alumni are welcome to actively participants in all Alumni programs, and also organize graduate-focused initiatives through the volunteer-driven Association of SSKG.